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Definitive Workplace Wellness ROI

HR Morning recently reported on a massive study that shows the true return on wellness plan investments. An analysis of 56 published studies on work site health promotion programs by The American Journal of Health Promotion determined the true ROI and impact of corporate wellness programs. “According to the American Journal of Health Promotion’s in-depth analysis, employers with work site health promotion programs see on average:

  • a 27% reduction in sick leave absenteeism
  • 26% reduction in health costs, and
  • 32% decrease in workers’ compensation and disability claims.

But the most important finding has to do with all-around wellness ROI. For every dollar invested in wellness, employers saw an average savings of $5.81 due to improved employee health and reduced medical claims. That’s significantly higher than the wellness ROI figures of $3 to $4 for every dollar invested that are more commonly reported.” These kinds of studies and statistics will help shape executive decisions to invest in workplace health and wellness programs. Want to learn more about how gift card incentives fit into workplace wellness programs? Check out our webinar:
Maximizing the Value & Benefits of Incentives in Corporate Wellness Programs Webinar and our
Health and Wellness Incentives Study: Real Workplace Program Examples. Source:
HRMorning.com - Massive study shows true return on wellness plan investment by Christian Schappel

Topics: Workplace Health & Wellness, Business Success, General Gift Card, Safety Incentives, Healthcare, Corporate Gifts, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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