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Give Employees the Reward that Keeps on Giving

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Even though Christmas is over, giving employees rewards for a job well done does not need to end with the holidays. Employee rewards should be distributed thoughout the year and increase productivity and employee motivation by setting positive peer-to-peer examples. When employees see what a job well done gets peers, they will exemplify the desired behavior. At some companies they increase the reward distribution exponentially. When an employees receives a reward, they receive a reward of equal value to give to another employee for an exceptional job. Peer-to-peer rewards can be effective because they are more organic. Peers only informally review each other, with no formal performance review process. So when peers reward each other it comes from a more spontaneous place.
For more information on how to structure peer-to-peer rewards check out this article from TribLive.com.

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, Rewards & Loyalty, Gift Cards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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