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Gift Cards- The Good, the Bad and Everything In-Between

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Gift cards have been a hot topic in the news over the past few weeks. The holiday season is a big time for gift card shoppers and sellers alike. The National Retail Federation released survey results indicating that this holiday season 8 in 10 shoppers would be reaching for a gift card, totaling a spend of $29.8 billion. That’s a lot of plastic! We’ve seen gift cards used as a go-to for celebrities like Beyoncé, who handed out more than $37,000 worth in Walmart cards in Massachusetts last month to promote her new album, as damage control from companies like UPS and Amazon to apologize for late packages, and also the unfortunate side of what happens when technology goes wrong as in the case of Target’s 40,000 faulty gift cards, which were not activated properly.

Gift Cards: Gift of Choice

Whatever the use, gift cards will remain a hot option for gifts, incentives or rewards going into 2014 for the simple reason that they give recipients and the purchaser the option of choice. Read more from the
National Retail Federation

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